A safe and secure testing environment.

Our virtual landscape offers a safe way to test new ideas; whether it be testing new app extensions, creating a new API, or coding a new product feature – it offers a perfect sandbox for development and product testing. Product testing that is separate from your network; so, if anything does go wrong, you don’t have to worry.

You can even run software that you may think is malicious or buggy – without having to worry about the integrity of your own network. Not only that, but you can do all of this remotely, from anywhere – with all the support you need to utilise our virtual environment.

Connect from anywhere, anytime.

A safe and secure development and testing sandbox – separate from your network.
Road test new ideas and product features, create prototypes and obtain proof of concept.
Safely run programs and scripts to check for malicious or buggy code that could compromise your network.
Connect to our virtual environments from anywhere, anytime.

Helping your business to do what it does best – with support around the clock.

As a business, keeping your network up and running is paramount. If your network goes down, so do your profits. Using our Labs service, we help you create resilient IT infrastructure that is optimised and protected with cast iron security features. Not only that; we also back everything up with in house support that’s available 24/7/365.